“OK, tell me about yourself.”访问教育的Grace老师在帮助T医生拿到了斯坦福的面试机会后,开始了和T老师进行一对一的mock interview。让我们惊喜的是,T医生的口语基础还是蛮好的。 在Skype的那头,T医生不急不缓地回答道:“As an Associate Chief Physician and a doctor of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, I have received standard surgical clinical training as well as many short-term trainings in many famous hospitals from 2006 to 2016. My clinical work time every year is about 45 weeks and I am skilled in handling the commonly encountered diseases in this field. With the capability of both open and laparoscopic surgery, I can complete successfully most operations in my field, such as hepatectomy, splenectomy, pancreatectomy and pancreaticoduodenectomy. I participated in about 400 operations every year, with about 150 of them as the chief surgeon…” T医生有丰富的临床经验,并且发表多篇文章。背景好,自然要求也很高。T医生希望去全美顶级的医学院而且需要在3个月之内拿到邀请函。在T医生第一次咨询结束之后,我们毅然接下了T医生的case,组织专家团队对T医生的背景进行了深入地分析,挖掘出她自身的优势,结合T医生的实际情况做出了针对性的申请计划。通过访申教育团队的努力,在合作启动第三个星期的时候,T医生就收到了最为心仪的大学Stanford University的教授的面试邀请。 电话面试是能否成功获得邀请函的关键一步。我们的专家团队积极帮助T医生做好了面试前的准备工作,T医生也在最短的时间里熟悉了面试可能用到的英语材料,非常顺利地通过了面试。最终经过大家的共同努力,T医生如愿拿到了Stanford University医学院微创肝胆外科方向访问学者邀请函。